Double Barrel Popper Heads - Flymen

The Double Barrel Popper head is a great way to create awesome Poppers and Sliders. Available in different sizes to fit to the need you have.

Easy to colour with markers, airbrush, copics or spraycans to make your own type of pattern. Cover it afterwards with Raidzap flex to make it last and flexible!

7,00 €

  • genug vorhanden
  • 3 - 5 Tage Lieferzeit



The Howitzer Popperhead is a next-generation soft foam popper heads that provides new options for tying normal or articulated baitfish poppers.

Easy to colour with markers to make your own type of pattern. Cover it afterwards with Raidzap flex to make it last and flexible!


7,00 €

  • nur noch wenige auf Lager
  • 3 - 5 Tage Lieferzeit

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